Friday, August 26, 2011

A Month IN ;)

Hahaha. Get it? IN? Indiana? Bahaha :D Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Can you believe we have been gone a month? I can't! Exactly a month ago, Caleb and I packed up the car and set off on the longest roadtrip we ever had, trying to get over the strangeness that we weren't driving back, that it was for real. Well. Lots has happened since then!

Living over here has had its ups and downs so far. Adjusting to our new life has been much harder than we anticipated. I mean, we knew it would be hard. We left everyone we knew, everything we understood, and moved 2,000 miles away. We just hadn't expected it to be this hard. I don't think we have gone more than a couple days in a row without one or both of us breaking down in tears. We are so blessed to have been asked to make this journey as a married couple. To those who have moved away by themselves, I give you big props. I couldn't do it.

God is definitely teaching us a thing or two though. Caleb and I are getting the very CLEAR message that we need to be flexible. We both have expectations and when those expectations don't occur, we get frustrated. Surprise, surprise, God wants us to ease up on our expectations and recognize that He is in control and not us. He told us to learn patience through a broken fridge over the last week, showing us that we need to rely on Him, not in what we can control.

He has also answered some serious prayer requests :) I found a job that I really enjoy, talking about books and learning about popular authors. Caleb's volunteer meeting last night went very well and it looks like we'll have some strong leaders. Our fridge was finally fixed. We are discovering a church that we are connecting at. We haven't gotten lost in a while. (Knock on wood!) Our apartment in Spokane was rented out and we got a rent refund. God provided enough for us during the time we worried about money to pay for things. God is just so good!!!

Some prayer requests:
- Clubs start Sept. 12th!! Pray that we will have enough volunteers and organization so that we are prepared for the kids
- We can connect to other young couples and begin friendships
- That we can feel loved and connected both to people back home and here
- We can learn flexibility as we get used to both of us working and at different times
- We can gain back motivation to raise support for Lifeline

We love and miss you all! The Stantons :)

1 comment:

  1. We miss you guys and are praying for you! I can't wait to hear about clubs and your job, Jenna! Moving is so challenging, but you guys are so strong and it's great to read about how God is working in your lives through the challenges. Do you guys skype? If so, we should have a skype double date some time!
