Wednesday, November 21, 2012

God is Starting Something New

Since the fire, many things have changed! We obviously have no building, office, or an easy place to meet. I miss having our programs in a place with a working kitchen, I miss our cafeteria, our small group and large group rooms, and I Really miss having my own office (Picture). However God has decided to start something new with Lifeline this year, and in spite of all the hardship God is doing an AMAZING work with Lifeline right now.

Are we under a lot of financial strain....Yes, are our working areas tight....Yes, and tensions a little high because we are working long hours....Very much a YES. But God is blessing us in ways we never even imagined. In the weeks after the fire we moved our Elementary program into Mary Beck elementary, our Middle School to an old Elementary School gym, and the girls are meeting a different volunteers house every week. We had 16 kids come to know Jesus Christ as there personal savior in just two week, and had our numbers explode!!

We have seen growth in all of our programs this year, however the area we have seen the most growth in (by far) is the Elementary Club. The week before the fire we had 35-40 kids signed up for our program. Today that number is well over 100 kids, and we are seeing new kids come EVERY week! In fact we have kids from Hawthorne Elementary (the elementary school Jenna works at) that want to come but can't get a ride to club and our vans are to full to pick them up!

It is not only the kids that are noticing, after being at Mary Beck Elementary for only a few weeks, Hawthorne came to me and asked what it would take to start a Lifeline program at there school as well!! Praise God, without the fire we would not have had the opportunity to enter the schools like we did. And now we reaching over twice as many kids as we were before and soon could double that number again! So please continue to pray! I am working on getting volunteers, food providers, staff, bus drivers, and churches that want to be a part of launching a SECOND Lifeline elementary program. My goal is to launch after Christmas break, that would be Jan 16th. So please keep us in your prayers. Thank you for your prayers and support over these last few months Jenna and I really appreciate it and love you all!

Also follow this link to Like our Facebook page for more updates and pictures!
Lifeline Youth Ministries


  1. Caleb, isn't it amazing what God does...progress through ways that we'd never think of! We're praying for you and Jenna often!
